"You want me to lose my job!?"
"Your not going to lose your job over a fake i.d."
"It's not fake! That's my name. See, it's on my credit cards too!"
"This is fake. You want it back? Go get the cops."
His friend speaks, "Man, I know this kid. We moved here together from Alabama. All southern i.d.'s are laminated."
"Your not helping your friend," the confiscated i.d. was from Tennessee, "How bout you be quiet."
"Man, I'm a delivery driver. I'll lose my job if you take that away!"
"Listen, your not a delivery driver. Your too small and not smart enough. Plus, you smell like crap and your riding an old ass 10 speed bicycle. What you gonna deliver on that?"
"I deliver pizzas."
"Well, bring me a pizza tomorrow and I'll give this back to you."
"Man, fuck you."
"Now your definitely not gettin it back."
"Come on man.. I'm sorry, can I just get it back? I swear I'll never come here again."
"Admitting defeat?"
"Dumbass, get the fuck outta here."
The i.d. goes in my back pocket and the kid stands outside.
The license was fake on many levels. No UV ink, no signature, bad picture, pressed paper instead of plastic, and it wasn't even a CDL (commercial driver's license) that a delivery driver has to have.
If your going to invest in a fake i.d. then make sure it looks like the real thing.
Or just wait until your 21. There's really nothing special about going to bars or clubs anyways.
I wonder why the kid would be mad to loose it. Isn't he just going to get caught somewhere else? Really enjoy reading your blog, by the way.
They tend to get mad because some of these kids spend up to $250 for these fakes.
How would you feel if someone took $250 out of your hand and wouldn't give it back?
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