The weather's been pretty crappy these past few days but the rain has finally let up a little, just in time for the weekend. All week it's been sprinting season. You walk a little then it starts to down pour and you sprint to a canopy. The rain lets up and you start to walk again, then you sprint to the next doorway or canopy.
Perfect season for sinus problems and wet drunks.
"So hey man, you know where I might be able to get some of that?"
"Some of what?"
"You know man, ya yo..."
"Oh yea.. here.. jump outside with me." We walk out the door to the front of the bar.
"Sweet man, how much?"
"It's completely free to leave the bar. Have a good night."
"What? I thought.."
"Man, you don't ask the doorman for ya yo. What are you stupid? Get out of here."
Nothing like having sinus issues help you get rid of idiots. Seriously though, why would you ever ask a doorman if he has any coke? I can understand that there are some people that would but I don't understand asking it. Maybe I take the job more seriously than others.
With the rain comes a lot of slippery surfaces too. Your average sober person could look like a drunk when they're slipping and sliding all over the place. So then you have to rely on their speech patterns and how they act otherwise. It's usually more fun to watch them slide all over the place.
Puddles become lakes and the gutters become rivers. If your really lucky you get to see someone stumble and take a dive into a lake. Then there's more than enough reason to not let them in. They're soak from head to toe, they more than likely stink like sewer water or they're all pissed off. It gave me a chuckle for a minute though and usually they understand unless they're wasted. Then it's just an arguement that they won't win.
"Man, this id bullshit! Why can't I go in?"
"You just fell in a huge puddle and your soaking wet. I don't need you going in and bumping into a ton of people while your dripping with sewer water."
"Man, I'm all wet man. Let me go in, it's cold out here."
"Sorry man, maybe you should go home and change or dry off."
"That's it man, I'm never comin here again!!"
"Ok, see ya tomorrow night Cale."
"Yea, if your lucky."
Sometimes, luck has nothing to do with it.