One of the many things that really gets to me is people that don't carry id's.
Yea, you might look like your 120 years old. You might have gray hair. You might have wrinkles all over your face. You might have a beard. You might be 6'7" tall. You might be pregnant (hopefully not if your coming into my establishment). But hey, any of these things could have happened to you before you even got out of high school.
It doesn't matter if your old as hell or a regular. You have to carry your id on you. Definitely don't come to me bitching about one of my staff asking you for an id. I'll be the first to tell you the staff member is right and they shouldn't let you in the bar.
"Man, I've been coming here for seven years. I should be let right in."
"Do you know the guy at the door?"
"No, but.."
"Then how should he know you? He should just read it on your forehead?"
"It's not my problem that he doesn't know me."
"It is when you can't get in because your too stupid to carry an id."
"Listen, this doesn't have anything to do with how smart I am. he he he..."
"No, it has everything to do with my man doing his job and you not having an id. Want me to start carding you again? I guarantee the manager will take my side over yours."
"What ever man, they'll still let me in."
"Not when it comes down to the decision of hiring a new doorman or letting you in. Which one do you think they'll go for?"
"You'd quit because I don't have my id? That's just stupid."
"I'd quit to prove a point to you. Your in here once a month if your lucky these days. Your not as important as you think you are. Start carrying your id and quit being a pain in the ass."
"You'd ruin a friendship over this?"
"Friendship? When was the last time I saw you outside of this place? What's my middle name? What's my Mother's name? Do you know any of these answers?" He stood there dumbfounded. He was actually trying to think about the questions. "Tell ya what. Would you ruin the friendship by being an asshole to one of my guys and being so fuckin bullheaded that you won't carry your id?"
He stood there staring at me. It was a stand off. I called his bluff.
"Right. I guess you'll be carrying your id from now on." I walked away.
We check id's for a reason. It's the law, you have to have an id in your possession to be inside an establishment that sells alcohol. At any point an id check could happen. It's extremely rare that it ever does so some leniency is allowed. But when the doorman doesn't know you and every time you walk up you don't have your id, he'll ask you for it the next time. No matter if the manager knows you or not.
I've done it several times myself. Guy walks up, doesn't have an id, manager walks out and walks him in. It's the power of knowing that person. I don't know you so I'll card you every time you walk up. If the manager isn't working that night then your out of luck. Come back when you have your id. I remember people in those situations just to say I don't remember you. I've learned how to forget things easily in my time.
Besides, you paid for the id. Why not keep it on you and get some use out of it?
It looks like your blog has so many things to offer... Interesting and informative! Keep it up! Will be introducing it to my friends.
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It just goes to show how self-absorbed people can be.
Brother, you are singing to the choir, check out my blog when you get a chance, just started to blog my Door experiences, depending on the night we have older people sometimes, they don't always have their IDs, and the ones that *hate* being IDed, I've had guys rip their wallet in anger to get it out. I'll do a post sometime to highlight my points, but I respect what you do, and I hope others respect what we do.
Stay safe.
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