Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Labels and Things...

Well... it took me a couple hours but I just went through and added labels to all the posts.

So now when you read one and you want another one similar to it you can click on the label at the bottom of the posts individual page and it'll bring up all the posts that have been labeled with that same label.

Interesting, I know...

Anyways, just thought I'd put that up so people would know.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Readers & Subscriptions

I've noticed that a lot of people come back and check the site on a regular basis. I don't update as often as I'd like since I've taken on a couple other projects lately. So I decided to move the Subscription box up higher on the food chain.

On the right side of the page you'll see a box where you can put your email address in to subscribe to this blog. Not to worry, no one else is going to get it and the only mail you'll recieve from me is what you see on here. Basically, it sends you an email saying the site has been updated and you'll get the blog post in the email. Then if you want to respond to the post or leave a comment you just come back to the site. It's like getting a personal chunk of me right in your mail box. Wow, that sounds a little weird... So if you want to subscribe just drop in your email address and as soon as I update you'll be one of the first to know.

I'm working on a back up of stories now and soon enough we'll be back to the stories that most of you started reading this for. Until then, the agitated side of me has been getting a little more sensitive with this whole happy, happy, joy, joy holiday season. It's the one time of year that I really don't shine in.

I've never been a happy type of person. I'm more of the straight, blank faced, non-emotional type, it's all just easier that way. I know how to show emotion, I just prefer to do it at certain times and places with whoever deserves them.

Plus, this time of year is completely controlled by the all mighty dollar. But I'm not going to get into that subject because it's a waste of time and I'm sure a million other people are talking about that right now.

New Year's Eve is quickly approaching and it's bound to be a big night all over. Should be interesting to see how it works out.

Works been pretty slow and Paulie is starting to fit in good. There's been a few problems and a couple meetings. Standards have changed and people are starting to notice. We've had a couple talks and it'll be interesting to see where things are going.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Ahhh... The holidays are here..

Have you ever wondered why people say holidays instead of Christmas? There's just too many different types of Christmas' for there to be just one. I won't try to list them because I'll just annoy someone for not listing theirs.

Works been getting a little busier due to the cold and snow. People are becoming more stupid as the weather gets worse, which never fails.

A few things might be changing soon. I've been thinking of moving out west for a while now and a friend of mine lives out that way. He's doing fairly well and I'm thinking about making the move out that way too.

After you do something for so long you just like to have a change sometimes. I can't sit here and babysit drunks forever. Especially without insurance or some kind of retirement plan. So the planning process is in order and I'm going to have to bring it up to Paulie and see what's what. This way there's plenty of time to train people and get the house in order before I leave. Everything should work out just fine.

Other than that, there hasn't been much excitement around here. A few old friends have came into town for the Holidays. We've hung out and had a few drinks. Nothing worth really writing about though.

Drama free holiday... Just like I like them.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Times, they are a changin...

So talk of a new manager is starting to become more truth than myth. Phil's moving on and heading off in a new direction and so someone has to take his place. The owner has been coming in periodically and checking up on a few things here and there. When he's here it's like a giant kiss ass party.

Yea, I said kiss ass party. When ever he shows up everyone is on their best behaviour and they do exactly what they're supposed to. It really doesn't matter to me, he walks up, I say hello, and he walks in. Then he's out of my hair. Once in a while we'll make small talk and he'll ask me how things are going inside the bar. I usually just tell him that things are good and I wouldn't know if anything was bad.

The good thing about the little talks we have is when something is bothering me. I can tell him straight out and if it's something that needs to be fixed it gets fixed. Certain things have lasted with me from past jobs such as seniority and he feels the same way.

So there's no word just yet as to what's going to happen. It could be a promotion for anyone here or it could be a completely new person all together. I guess I could ask but then I'd know something that everyone else would want to know. I don't really care to have that burden and it's more fun to see people squirm.

Between Ramone and I, we figure there's going to be a few people fired. Most new managers come in and fire a couple people just to make examples out of them.

We got a little pool going to see who's first.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

From inside the door...

When you step inside the bar there's not much there. There isn't a pool table, there isn't a dart board and there isn't one of those annoying Golden Tee golf games.

It's just a bar.

But beyond it being just a bar and nothing much more, there's a family of people that work here. As with any family there's all kinds of bitching and moaning. Since I'm usually not in the mix of bartenders and barbacks I tend to hear a lot of the venting and complaints.

There's a small wave of change happening at the bar inside the network of tenders and backs. The bar is going through a little change and the clientele is changing as well. Specials are being brought out and the neighborhood is changing.

One of the biggest complaints that comes up is Stewart. He's a decent guy but just has bad habits and isn't one of the quickest barbacks we have. He cuts corners a lot, gives away a lot of drinks, has too many 'friends', and his habits are slowly starting to consume him.

Now whatever a persons habits are don't concern me. They do start to concern me when they start to effect me.

Each night I have a certain amount of plugs to give out. By plug I basically mean wooden nickels, these are basically free drink tickets. I give them out to certain people at the door to help them feel a little more welcomed at the bar. Or maybe they tipped me to get in and I feel like I should get them a drink. However they get them really isn't a big deal because they're there to give out.

So this only effects me because Stewart sends people up to me to get a couple plugs. Now, if its a really slow night I'll give them a couple. If it's a busy night I tell them to go to hell. Of course, these certain friends of his are only friends due to need. He needs them for his habits and they use him for free drinks. The nights when it is too busy to give them any I get the dirty looks and later Stewart apologizes for them after I tell him about it. To which I tell him that the next time they do it I'll toss them no matter if they're his friends or not.

So beyond that I get to hear the waitresses and others complain how he doesn't get their drinks or he's hanging over the bar making out with a chic, or he disappears for a half hour or more at a time. As if I can do something to change it. I usually ask them if they've said anything to Phil about it and their normal reply is, "Well, I don't want to seem like I'm being a bitch."

My only reply, "Sometimes being a bitch is how you get things done."

With the changing of the bar there's rumors of a new bar manager coming to town. Maybe once he gets here things will change. Whenever there's a change like that everyone tends to straighten up and fly right. Maybe Stewart will get his head out of his ass or maybe he'll get let go. Only time will tell.

Myself, I'm not worried. I know that a new manager isn't one of my problems. If, by chance, he does want to get rid of me then I'll just move on to another place and start a new timeline, no hair off my back. I know that I can jump into another job within days.

Let the changes begin.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

A Year Gone.....

So it's been a little over a year since I've started this blog. A year is actually a lot longer than you think.

I took a little break from blogging because plainly put... I didn't have anything to rant about.

I started writing this more as a way to combat the stress that I was feeling and was looking for an output for it. In the process I gained a little readership from all over and now I feel I've let some of you down since the blog hasn't been updated as frequently as it was before. It slowly became less and less frequent until now. My last post was over a month ago.

Well, even though a year is a long time, in some eyes a month is just as long. So I figure I'm going to go out on that limb and start updating on a more frequent basis. Maybe a weekly update with a few others here and there. I can't promise a full blown daily update just yet.

I figure that I'll start off by getting a little closer with some of the posts. Since I'm far from being a news hound I doubt I'll start giving my opinions on the subjects that are hitting the newsracks. I'm not a big sports fan either so don't expect anything from the sports section either. In fact, I don't even know what to expect from myself.

Maybe the cynical side of me will come out even more about internet advertising or how fake certain sites are on the net. Maybe I'll just go off about a smoking law or something else that has been bothering me. There's tons of things out there that bother me... anything from co-workers to idiots that sit on their horns because they're not paying attention to the road or numerous other things.

Even though this blog isn't as big as others out there I like to think I still have some people who check it for updates. In fact, there's even a subscription service on the right side of the page in case those of you that do check it would rather just get an email when ever I update. Simple and easy, just enter your email and then confirm it when you get the confirmation email.

Who knows, maybe I'll just start rambling off some wild and crazy shit.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

No really, your too good....

The local festival is all over. It was pretty quiet with a few exceptions here and there. Mostly just drunks trying to come in and then argueing with me outside that they weren't good enough to come in.

That's right...

That they weren't good enough to come in.

Sometimes it's fun to be at the front door. Someone walks up, drunk off their ass, and I refuse them entrance. They start argueing that they're not too drunk, then it changes that I don't think they're good enough to come in. I agree.

I tell them that, yes, you are too good to come into this bar. You should try another bar because you are too good to come into our tiny, ugly bar. That we don't deserve you inside.

And just like I changed from your not good enough to - your too good to come in, they get confused. Then they say that I shouldn't try to get them in the bar and they're going to take their business somewhere else.

I act a little sad but then wish them a good night.

McGee came through again, looking the worse for wear. Drunk every night and eyes glazed over. Sad part is, he shows up early and looks like crap. He did take a short break for a few days though. Then I saw him walking around one night when I was leaving my house.

He had the same clothes on as he did last time I saw him out and he was carrying the ole brown bag special. For those of you that don't know what that is, it's basically a bottle of booze bought from the liquor store wrapped in a brown paper bag. He was already stumbling a little and it was only around 1 in the afternoon.

Some people get wrapped up in the liquor and what ever else they get into. I'm glad I've seen the damage that could happen through past experiences and watching people destroy themselves. Then again, many people have and have followed that road.

There's no real way to tell why people do certain things. I guess I just like to have control of myself. It's a good thing to have and a bad thing to lose.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


With the summer coming full steam there are always festivals all over the city. Each festival is completely different whether it's for a country's liberation, a religious factor, or just about any other reason you could think of (food, beer, etc.).

So with the local festivals going on we always get people in that we never see before and will probably never see again. Usually it's a quiet crowd but once in a while there are a few loud mouths, nothing too major.

The biggest pain is just the car horns blaring and idiots running in the streets. Which makes for doing anything other than sitting at home a pain as well. Traffics backed up, horns blaring everywhere, and people jamming up the streets and walking whenever and where ever they want to.

I was on my way to work and a group of people walked across the street in front of traffic causing traffic to stop and allow them to get by.

Then a simple thought ran through my head. If I was a sick and twisted person I'd probably just run them over. There's no crosswalk, no cops directing traffic and according to law they were in the wrong, even if they got hit by a car. As long as you don't run your not at fault.

Of course, thoughts run through everyones head like that from time to time. It's just a good thing it rarely happens.

The big weekend is coming up in just a couple weeks. Fireworks, gunshots, drunks, and a slew of other things that may or may not turn into problems.

Last year was fairly quiet but if these little festivals are a sign I think it might be a little louder this year. Time will tell.

Friday, May 12, 2006

In town...

It's been a while since I've posted. Nothing much is really changing or happening in the neighborhood lately. Seems like a bunch of people are moving out west and the bum population is getting bigger and older.

I've become more accustomed to the things that go on at work so there's a little less to bitch about.

Probably the biggest talk lately is about Conan O'Brien being in town. He's been sighted in the area but I haven't seen him around anywhere. One never knows if people have really been anywhere. Except one friend actually waited on him at the restaurant that she works in. Said him and his group were a blast to have in the restaurant.

The weather has been changing constantly. One day it's sunny and in the 70s and the next day it's raining and in the 40s. Every day is a different surprise or disaster depending on how you look at it. I'm thinking more of a disaster since it's bringing on the sore throat and headaches.

So I've been working a lot more now and I'm hoping to keep ideas stirring up to keep this thing going. I know there's many out there that check in on a daily basis. Let's see if I can keep this going with anything that pops into my head.

As I've heard and said many times, "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one but you don't always want to hear what they say."

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Slow Posting...

Posting has become a slow thing lately. I've been a little busy as of late due in part from schedule changes and picking up some freelance work here and there.

Anyone that is reading this and does know me, knows that I've had many different jobs. At times I can actually do some decent stuff. I repeat... at times.

People change with time. About 10 years ago I already had about 15 different jobs under my belt. Varying from management positions to heavy labor jobs and working with computers to a plain ole shovel. I tend to take things a little more seriously now and that causes the thought process to work over time.

A major occurrence in my life, pertaining to a significant other, has brought me to where I am now. Although that period is over, I'm not disappointed in the outcome. It's given me plenty of new experiences and it has helped me to find a part of me that I either lost or never had to begin with.

Hopefully, with a few things settling down I'll be able to keep the posting going with some what of a regular session. I just don't want to catch myself constantly posting the same things over and over. So I'll try to bring out a few new things here and there and some other off topic wonders that might entertain you.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Long overdue....

This is just a minimal update.

There's been quite a bit of personal issues going on in the past few weeks that have ranked higher on the scale of importance. Fear not, I'll be coming back to blog land very soon.

Stories of Frat Boys being idiots and stalkers getting tossed are soon to come.

Bear with me as things are changing...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Eve....

One word. Boring.

As much as I would love to come on here and go into detail of someone being trashed and picking a fight or someone getting thrown out, it's not going to happen.

New Year's was just as boring as any other night.

Things are a changin....

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Frat Boys & Sorority Girls....

Ah, it's that time of year again. The time when all the college kids come home and bring their friends with them. Yes, it's a great time of year for Frat Boys and Sorority Girls.

I like using the terms, boys and girls, for these kids. They seem to be right in the middle stage of life. At least, that's what I like to believe. It's when they get all excited over little things like a discounted round, a regular comes in and has his denim Misfits jacket on, or whenever a good looking female walks by.

For the past week and a half it's been a parade of college shirts, backward hats, torn up jeans and drunks. The girls are all dressed in their low cut jeans, small and tight shirts, and trying to look much older than they really are.

A week and a half of bad fake IDs, sleeping drunks, and pub crawls.

Even with all this going on, it's been a pretty uneventful week. It's actually been pretty uneventful since the last time I posted. There are really only so many ways you can describe the same events over and over.

The Christmas holiday was pretty uneventful as well. Both places I work were actually closed those nights so I didn't have to put up with the solitary and depressed people at all. It was nice having the few days off and being able to go out myself.

To everyone else that reads this though, I hope your holidays were very good and you had a great time with family and friends. For most, it's the one time of year that you set everything aside and put up with them.

New Year's Eve tonight. Let's see what kind of fun happens.....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

No more smoky treats.....

" - Chicago is now a smoke-free city. Starting in January you won't see anyone lighting up in most public places. The city council approved a smoking ban Wednesday. The ordinance is a compromise hammered out in negotiations that didn't end until early Wednesday morning."

So it finally happened. Chicago has fallen, we probably will soon too, and it's smoky drapery is going to become a little clearer. This just means that my jobs going to get a little harder. Oh well, if it happens here, it'll just be another reason for people to think of me more as an ass. I can see it now...

"Hey man, can I step out to have a smoke?"

"Sure, but you'll have to wait in line to get back in."

"What? That's bullshit!"

"Oh well, take it up with the mayor."

"Man, you wanna fight?"

So many good times ahead. It'll definitely be weird throwing people out for smoking. Good thing I'll be working so I can come and go as I please.

Hmm, maybe we'll open a patio...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Sorry for not posting as regular. Some things are changing around and this crazy weather doesn't help out much either.

Seems around here that as soon as the snow hits everything comes to a stand still. People drive like idiots, act like idiots and as soon as the sun goes down they go home. It makes for some pretty slow nights.

I do get to catch up on some reading here and there though. Once everyone starts getting used to the weather again I'm sure they'll all be back out in force.

We've also had a new bar open up in the neighborhood so some people think that's why we've slowed down. Makes sense, even though I've heard it's not the greatest. Suits and ties behind the bar and the average age inside being in the late 30's to early 40's. Nothing like it was before it re-opened.

The slow nights do make for boredom. Crossword puzzles and phone calls. It does leave me some time to get other stuff done that I'm working on, or want to be doing things with.

So hopefully, within the next few days there will be many more stories coming about all the drunk and disgruntled. After all, it is the holidays and every one gets a little evil during these times.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ranting without the Rave....

It's been a short break since I've posted last. Sometimes I get on a bit of a rollercoaster ride and some things get left behind.

So lately I've basically been trying to get my sleep patterns back into shape. Most of my posts are done after work. I have some saved up just waiting to be posted but I'm going to try and read through them again.

I've had a question raised to me that I've been thinking about a lot lately. "Why do you keep doing this if you know you could be doing so much better?"

The only answer I keep thinking of is that this is a job I like. I've always been that guy who does more for others. To make you happy is to make me happy. Of course, there are lines there that I won't cross. Too much thought to go through all of that right now.

So I decided to put my resume out there. I've heard from many people how hard it is to find a job these days. My usual response to that is that they're not looking. I've always said that if you want a job you'll have one within a week or two.

I love it when I'm right. I have no college degree and I'm definitely not a 'trust fund baby' or even come from a family that has enough money to relax. I put my resume out on the normal job boards on the internet. ( Monster, Careerbuilder, etc.) I've already received two job offers within a week.

Granted, the jobs pay much better and have benefits but they're at least an hours drive away. So I think I might put in for a little vacation and give one a shot. The benefits alone would get me to make the change. Now I just need to make the leap.

It will definitely be different working a real job again. Actually having to be somewhere on time and reporting to someone every night. Sounds weird, most people would run from that and not come back. Well, I thought that too. Circumstances change when the shoe's on the other foot.

Drama's one of the biggest things that I won't miss. The Bullshit -n- Bologna meter has hit a high at work lately. We've been guaranteed that it won't last much longer. This means someone's going to clean house. Cleaning house means a whole new set of rules and people are about to land. New people and rules means everything gets to start all over again.

I guess that's good. It gets rid of the drama and the monotony of work. Even TD was getting tired of work but now there's supposed to be a whole new ball game. There are a few people I wouldn't mind seeing gone.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Brain drain...

This past Halloween weekend has been quite the week killer. Ever since Tuesday the neighborhood has been pretty quiet. Actually, everything's been pretty quiet since the temperature dropped. The Indian Summer is coming though and that should pick everything up for one last hurrah before winter hits.

So I really don't have much to go on about tonight, or today, however you look at it.

I try not to get too personal with this blog for certain reasons. Legally there are way too many things that could possibly go wrong. Let's say I call Ralph an asshole. Well, Ralph could then sue me for slander. Let's say I say something about a coworker and they end up getting fired. That just wouldn't be right in many ways. If I said something about one of the bands, etc, etc, etc...

So basically, the names have been changed and the bar names or anything aren't real, the situations are.

I do work a couple doors in the Midwest. At one place I'm an under paid babysitter and the other I can be a real asshole at times. I take care of those that take care of me and others that I just don't want to see anything happen to them.

I've been told at times that I'm the man but in a good way. What ever that really means, I'm just being who I am. If it's because I make sure you get into a cab when your so drunk you can barely walk or I just drive you home then I guess it's a good thing. I just think I'm one of the rare lion-hearted breed. At times, I wish I wasn't but that's how I am.

My personal situation is all my own. It's something that is deep rooted and it probably won't be talked about much here. My real life is actually pretty boring. After being at work around drunk people four to six nights a week I usually just stay home or stop over at a friends house. I have a different place that I talk about all that great stuff.

Anyways, I'm starting to get tired enough now that I actually think I'm going to crash. I'll have more posts coming up very soon. Within the next couple days I'm thinking.

Til then, be safe.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Female...

Had a little excitement at the bar. Entailed asking a female to leave. That's about all I can really say right now since there is a court case that I will have to attend.

Phil talked to me about it and the charge is battery. Not on me or anyone at the bar but on the female that we tossed out. We might go but all we were really worried about was just getting her out at the time. I know her face and so does Phil so we know she won't be coming back for a long while.

We'll decide soon and I'll keep it posted.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Updates and such...

In the past few days nothing of signifigance has really happened. Nobody asking if I want to fight, trying to grab their sister's ID out of my hand, or any arguments that needed to be resolved by throwing them out the door and on to the sidewalk.

I have decided that I'm going to try to update at least every other day if at all possible.

This might bring in a more diverse coverage of many things other than just the work life. But what the hell, might as well.

Temperatures have dropped in the midwest lately and many people have decided to stay home these past couple nights. It's the weekend now so let's just see if it still matters. The cold temps have been here for a couple days now. This is usually when people realize that it's not going away and they start coming out again.

It's friday night. Frat boys, loud mouths, divas, and the ever present rockers are getting their drink on tonight. Let's see what they have in store for this tiny little world.